
Cranberry Crisp

The four C's of fruit desserts: Cobbler, Crumble, Crisp, and Crunch! Confession: I have been a little confused by the differences in a cobbler, crumble or crisp! Even crunch, which is apparently another name for a crisp. One thing they all have in common are these ingredients: flour, sugar, butter [...]

Jess’ Sliced Tomatoes

This may seem like a very simple dish, hardly worthy of a recipe, but there are so many choices you can make to dress this dish up for any party or dinner, I thought it would be fun to include. Jess' Sliced Tomatoes Tomato Sea Salt Olive Oil Basil leaves [...]

Old-Fashioned Vegetable Soup

One of my winter favorites is an old-fashioned vegetable soup. I'm famous for not using recipes, but here are the ingredients and how I make my soup. Ingredients: Chopped whole onion 3-4 stalks of chopped celery Carton of organic chicken broth Variations of vegetables including carrots, mushrooms, green beans, corn, [...]

Chess Pie

The name Chess Pie has a couple of possible derivations. One idea is that it was kept in a pie chest like many pies prior to refrigeration, and eventually, the "t" was dropped. The other idea is that on-hand ingredients were used to whip up what was called "just pie" [...]

Pork Chops Pizzaiola

Jess tried a pork chop recipe that was so delicious, I have to share it with you. It came from a favorite recipe book called the Sicilian Gentleman's Cookbook by Don Baratta. My Kentucky gentleman made my night when he served this for supper. Ingredients: 6 center-cut Marksbury Farm pork [...]

Bluebird’s Pear Salad

The ingredients in this salad blend to create a special flavor combination that is difficult to describe, but perfect for a warm day. It's no wonder this salad was featured by Southern Living in The South's Best Cheap Eats. Salad Spring mix or wild lettuce mix 2 oz blue cheese [...]

Preserving Tomatoes

When tomatoes unexpectedly arrived from a friend in Tennessee, I pulled out the canner and the dehydrator to preserve these vine-ripened early surprises. I've had my dehydrator for years, and it's wonderful for many things, but I mainly use it to make sun-dried tomatoes that are (obviously) not sun-dried. While Italians [...]

Homemade Pasta and Sauce

When family friend David Puckett came for dinner, he brought his pasta-making machine and cranked out fresh pasta for us! In Italy, restaurants often offer freshly made pasta, but it's a little harder to get here, so you might have to learn to make your own. I'm including David's recipe [...]

My Pesto Recipe

This is my go-to pesto recipe, but if you have been following me for long, you know that I always give myself room to alter recipes. So consider this the base, but you can drop the cheese or change the pine nuts to another nut if you want a simpler [...]


Since my mind has been in Italy, I wanted to share a recipe from Iolanda Marcocci, one of the original nonnas at Tuscan Women Cook, a cooking school based in Montefollonico, Italy. Here is an excerpt from their newly released cookbook, available now at Kentucky Soaps & Such. Like most [...]

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